How To Add Value To A Business Through Branding?


Several business owners understand that their branding is highly significant to the growth of their business. However, there could be a slight mix up during the process of trying to understand the main importance of investing in the branding of your business. 

Investing in your brand actually gives a high percentage ROI, and this determines the strength of your business.  According to the Marketing Science Institute, 220 products were studied and it was found that higher ranked brands demanded larger price value of about 26% , irrespective of the quality. You get attracted to brands, right? Let us examine what can be accomplished by a well-organized and laid out brand.

1. Awareness

Having a very good and quality product without people knowing about it is of no use. Effective branding helps your business to stand out in the midst of competition. The more your brand gets the attention of your customers, the greater the chances that they can help you to spread the good news about your brand to others. With this, it will be safe to say that branding serves two main purposes; creating awareness and finally expanding the reach of your product to faithful customers. 

In terms of creating awareness, however, you need to consider some important features such as the brand colors because using a distinctive colour helps increase your brand’s uniqueness.

2. Trust

As the world gets exposed by the day, people are now being very keen about what and where they spend and invest their hard earned money on. Prospective customers are always expectant and optimistic of the fact that whatever brand they patronize will genuinely put their needs into consideration rather than just selling to them. 

With this, a customer’s satisfaction with a particular brand establishes their trust in such brand. Building a converting brand will not only promote your brand but also increases the value of pricing for your product and services. Once your brand is able to gain audience and trust of customers, they will be happy to pay higher because they are convinced that they are getting value from your brand.

3. Personality

Several individuals always love to identify themselves with well established brands. They always prefer brands that will also have a significant value on their lives, not only considering their products or services.  

Having a very good brand personality also make your customers always want to come back to patronize your brand. This emphasizes that a brand with a well-established personality opens way for several other opportunities.

4. Consistency 

Another area of focus that a well-crafted branding can achieve is consistency.  In, every business, there is need for consistency in delivery and communication with customers and branding serves as an important back bone for consistency. 

When the awareness created for your business, product or service becomes inconsistent, potential customers begin to loose trust gradually because they will think you are not really into the business. 

Several potential customers go for a business with a track record of consistency, and this is a major key to building an highly reputable business. However, when you do not know the potential of a good business brand, then your consistency may be affected which in turn affects the growth of your business. 

5. Clear Purpose and Goals

You goal should be established on your determination and intention. Customers always like to know about the purpose as well as the goals set to be achieved by your business in the years ahead, and this they can know when you properly brand that aspect of your business. 

You can actually diversify, but you need a clear purpose for all the diversities so that even as you diversify for the greater benefit of the brand, you will still be in line with the purpose to which you have established the business. A good fraction of customers and prospective customers like to patronize and purchase from brands that have the same clear purpose with them. 

This, you can tell will increases the bond between your brand and your customers and their increased need to always patronize you. Always remember too that your set goals are important backbones for achieving your purpose.


Having a significant and an established brands makes the business to expand and long-lasting. With your brand, you are able to distinct yourself from every other competing brand and generate a profitable and impactful connection with your customers. Do not try to underestimated the power of branding. 

If you are thinking now is the time and to invest in your brand, products or packaging, to adapt, go digital or even produce a printed magazine contact us to see how Handle Branding can help you.

Michael Schepis

Michael Schepis is an Australian graphic designer based in Sydney NSW. Specialising in branding and identity, Mike approaches corporate design without a corporate mindset, working confidently across large-scale identity systems with the attention to detail of a boutique designer. In early 2015 he cofounded the Sydney design studio Handle Branding with the aim to apply the strategic mindset, output and thorough processes of a big agency to small business. Michael continues to run Handle from their Western Sydney based studio. Michael has been involved actively with the creative community was Australia's Behance Ambassador, won international and national awards with his work has been featured across online and in print.

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